Monday, March 05, 2007

Random Flickr-Blogging: img_5259

Originally uploaded by Jie and Yi.
Random Flickr-blogging explained.
These John and Yoko bobbleheads went for $1,500 on eBay last week.

Originally uploaded by nowling13.
"It says here that you were optometrist to the Royal Family...can you elaborate a little?"

Originally uploaded by Raymond Yue.
"Bachelor Number One, if you could be any Power Ranger in the world, which one would you be?"

Originally uploaded by conrado4.
A proud, newly-inducted member of the Tasteless Hawaiian Shirt Enforcement Squad prepares to make his first arrest.

Originally uploaded by nickmuldoon.
" say you cleaned that oil drum before you brewed this beer in it?"

Originally uploaded by RobJenga.
Surprise! I'm not really a gynecologist, and you're on Candid Camera!"

Originally uploaded by icanteachyouhowtodoit.
Another hapless victim of the "Put your ear up to my armpit; you can hear the ocean" gag.

Originally uploaded by orayzio.
"Ahhh...west and wewaxation at wong wast...dat wascawy wabbit will nevew find me in hewe."

Originally uploaded by sarahpiest.
It's a tree...go ahead and hug know you want to.