Monday, March 10, 2008

Random Flickr-Blogging: img_2095

Originally uploaded by hbp_pix.
Random Flickr-blogging explained.
These Democrats just found out how long it will be before the Pennsylvania primary.

Originally uploaded by hemoxp.
Guantanamo, Shmantanamo; when the duct tape comes off, she's gonna wish she was being waterboarded instead.

Originally uploaded by copyrider.
They haven't quite saved the free world yet, but there have been some fabulous parties at the Fortress of Justice.

Originally uploaded by rahulbpatel.
The fact that there's only one parachute for the program just means there's more excitement around the morning coin-toss these days.

Originally uploaded by isellthedeadfilm.
To everyone's relief, global warming was traced to a stuck valve on this 400-foot-high steam radiator in Central Park.
