Monday, April 02, 2007

Random Flickr-Blogging: img_5633

Originally uploaded by jakedobkin.
Random Flickr-blogging explained.
This glimpse into the dark recesses of Dick Cheney's psyche was brought to you by the G.E. - Enron - Halliburton - Exxon - Pfizer - Phillip Morris family of companies.

Originally uploaded by imeatingwaffles.
I know it's not a scientific poll, but Mitt, baby, the votes are in!

Originally uploaded by rymus.
Villager with a torch, just before he -- in a stunning reversal of fortune -- is chased down by an angry mob of Frankenstein monsters.

Originally uploaded by BBCHS Football.
They loved their coach, and trusted him, but after their opponents had scored seventeen unanswered touchdowns, they started to doubt that forming an impenetrable wall along the goal line at the other end of the field was a winning strategy.

Originally uploaded by madewith.
Gotta move it on down the line, babe. Time for my bootheels to be wandering...I'm like the tumbling tumbleweed; can't be tied down any one place for too long, you know...See you further on up the road...I...I...


Originally uploaded by gutschge.
Queer Eye For the Straight Guy: Outtakes, Vol. 3 - The Hopeless Cases

Originally uploaded by bfitzpatrick.
"You are, too? Well how about that? Hey sweetheart, whaddya say we dispense with the preliminaries, throw back a couple of pints, and get busy?"

Originally uploaded by orchidgirl.
I guess next time I shell out $600 for front-row seats for The Red Hot Chili Peppers, I'll be reading the fine print.

Originally uploaded by keyxote.
"These magic headphones make everything you stare at look bigger...allow me to demonstrate."