Monday, April 09, 2007

Random Flickr-Blogging: img_5900

Originally uploaded by HK James Ho.
Random Flickr-blogging explained.
Another time-honored tradition, observed in many different cultures and handed down from generation to generation, is the lampshade-on-the-head gag.

Originally uploaded by Ian Hampton.
This is just one man's opinion, but I think the girls should have another drink or two before they try to remove that tape.

Originally uploaded by caracottinghamphotograp
Law enforcement has a new sub-lethal weaponry option with the development of the head-blurring gun.

Originally uploaded by conrado4.
"Is it my imagination, or has the homecoming queen gained a little weight?"

Originally uploaded by jitetsu.
Superheroes go carbon-neutral.

Originally uploaded by Cassie Burniston.
The federal witness protection program has tried to be more creative lately, as it struggles to operate within tight budget constraints.

Originally uploaded by kennycharn.
Giuliani, Romney, and McCain are clearly trying to outdo each other at wooing the conservative base.

Originally uploaded by bpmuzik.
Q. What's the difference between an accordion and an onion?

A. People cry when you cut up an onion.